Hey Dearest Friends and Family!
Wow, I have THE BEST family and friends in the world. I LOVE getting letters, emails, dearelders. It's wonderful! I love you all so much!
The MTC is.... an emotional rollercoaster. I've heard it said that if on a mission you aren't tired when you get back to your room at night, you aren't doing it right. Let's just say I'm exhausted a LOT. If that's the criteria for being a good missionary, I guess I'm doing pretty well. :)
Miracles just happen here in the Missionary Training Center. Yesterday, Sister Mecham and I were teaching our investigator, Fredrick, all in Swedish. It's a miracle how much I can say out of my head in only about 2 weeks. It's the gift of tongues! Anyways, I was really trying to remember the word for "want" in Swedish. I really needed it for a question I wanted to ask Fredrick! I said a prayer in my head asking God for help to remember this word. Seconds later the word "vill" came into my mind. That means "want(s) to" in Swedish. WOW! What a miracle! I had been studying it and God helped me recall it in my mind. What a tender mercy.
Another miracle that happened this week happened on Monday. Sunday I had a really hard day. I was down on myself and feeling miserable. There is a rule here in the MTC that we are supposed to be in bed by 10:30. Our room wasn't doing well at that, and I decided on Sunday night that I would make sure I was in bed as close to 10:30 as possible. I got to bed on Sunday night around 10:30 and WOW. I had a FANTASTIC day on Monday. I think it was a direct result of my obedience to what God has asked me to do. On Monday I was able to teach my investigator, Kirsten, a lot out of the Swedish in my head. I took some notes to the lesson, but I was the least dependent on notes I had been thus far. God really watches out for me.
Sister Mecham and I are doing great. There is some kind of bonding that happens when you teach together. It's high stress going into lessons, speaking a language you have only been speaking for less than two weeks. We ask the investigators questions, but we can't always understand their answers, nor do we always have the vocab to best respond. That's why having the Spirit in a lesson is so crucial, especially when it's hard to even communicate. I've had to rely on God so much.
God really answers my prayers. When I even pray about little things I'm struggling with, I have felt him lifting me up so much. I've received comfort and strength and I'm excited to share that reality to those who need comfort and peace in their lives.
I love you all sooo much!!
Sister Nielsen
Sister Nielsen
Natalya also ran into Elder Tidwell! |
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I ADORE getting letters. I kind of get made fun of for how many I get... :) |
Our classroom! The Elders are kind of goofy. |
Natalya ran into Elder Stott as well! |
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Syster Nielsen & Syster Mecham |
I've been getting a lot of questions about the food... Here is an example. |
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Sister Mecham gets letters from her fam. :) Happy day! |
What eating as a Zone looks like in the MTC. |
Among the many things to choose from at the MTC, Eternal Life is an option. |
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