May 18th, 2015
Hejsan Allihopa!
You don't know anxiety until you have brought an investigator to church. Yesterday, Sister Savage and I had two come to Church, and I noticed EVERYTHING in ways I never had before. I noticed every noise the kids in the audience made, I listened to the speakers through an investigators eyes, I sat in total anxiety, hoping everything went just perfectly. With this experience, I came to a realization this week... In 2 Nephi 26:27, it says: "...he hath commanded his people (members of the LDS Church) that they should persuade all men (he says ALL MEN) to repentence." What is one way we persuade ALL men to repent? Missionary work. Are you keeping this commandment? I hope so! I have never realized before how crucial members are to missionary work! I sure hope you notice who the missionaries or the members bring to church, and you go out of your way to talk to them. The missionaries are BEYOND grateful. I hope you are inviting people in your life to participate in this glorious gospel. If you are not, invite the missionaries over and get to know them. Think of someone that needs the peace of the Gospel and get out of your comfort zone and invite them to do something! It can be as simple as showing them a Mormon Message, or as big as inviting them to meet with the missionaries. Missionaries NEED you and if you aren't helping them, please consider how you can! I invite you to do something this week- think of someone to share the Gospel with. We have to be unitied in this work! It's the members resposibility as much as the missionaries. We need you desperately!
Now that I am off of my soap box... This week was good! We taught 15 lessons this week. The goal is to do 20 a week here in Sweden. We have an investigator, Ali, from Egypt with a baptisimal date for June 6th! We taught him the Word of Wisdom this week and I am humbled by his humility. He accepts what we teach him with his full heart. He attends Church every Sunday and wants to follow Christ. It takes a lot to change your life as much as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints asks you to. It is a big leap of faith! I'd love it if you would pray for Ali with me this week- that his baptismal date will go through!
I love you all! Be the member missionaries that the missionaries adore.
Syster Nielsen
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